• Save the world

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While we strongly believe in providing local-based solutions our approach is always holistic; comprised of ecocentric and technocentric environmental values.
Combining these divergent values is a difficult task; one which requires innovation, smart partnerships and smart solutions which ECUTS provides.
Our Focus

What We Do

ECUTS specializes in consulting and training services in environment & natural resources management, agriculture/aquaculture & fisheries, water resources and climate change. We provide technological solutions to each problem but without compromising human values and while ascribing to Sustainable Development Goals.

Water Analysis

Water Analysis

  1. Waste water Analysis and testing.
  2. Pollution Control and monitoring.
  3. Environmental Compliance Certification (Effluent Discharge Permits)


  1. Agricultural water testing and soil analysis.
  2. Aquaculture development.
  3. Climate risk mitigations.
  4. Environmental compliance (aquaculture licensing).


Ecosystem health assessment

  1. Biodiversity Baseline Studies.
  2. Biodiversity Assessment.


Training & Capacity Build (T & CB)

Basic Seafood HACCAP Course. Basic Emotional Intelligence Course for Agriprenuers. Digitalization Agricultural Technology Course.

Development Planning

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment
  2. Baseline Studies
  3. Public consultation facilitations.
  4. Impacts evaluations.
  5. Environmental Management Plans.
  6. Environmental Compliance Certification (Environmental Clearance Certificates).